
Password in word

Microsoft word provides several ways to limit or restrict access to a document to protect it from unauthorized change.

when you create a password, write it down and keep it in a secure place. if you lose the password you cannot open or gain access to the  password-protected document a password can contain any combination of letter, numerals, space and symbols, and it can be up to 15 characters long passwords are case-sensitive. so if you verify the capitalization when  so if you verify the capitalization when you assign the password, uses must type the same capitalization when they enter the password.

step 1. Go to the office (file) button 
Image result for word 2007 password

step 2. write the name of document 

Image result for word 2007 password
step 5. click tool button and select gernal option
Image result for word 2007 password
      you can see open a new dilogbox and click password to open 

password to modify then click ok button 

again open a new password box in this box write  a comfirm password and 
Image result for word 2007 password
click ok again.

step 5. click save button


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