
The mauryan empire

It also included Kabul, Kandahar, Nepal and Kashmir.
The kalinga war, however, become  a turning point in ashoka’s  life. The death and destruction in this war filled him with remorse.
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Deeply influenced by the Buddhist teachings  of peace, non-violence and compassion, ashoka embraced Buddhism and devoted his life to the welfare of his subjects.
Ashoka replaced the policy of dig bijaya with dhamma vijaya .
Dhamma, is detived from the Sanskrit word dharma meaning religious duty.
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The main principles of dhamma were.
People should live in peace and hamony.
Ahimsa or mon-violence and non-injury to all living creatures should  be followed by all.
People should love one another  and respect other  religions.
Children should obey their eldest should treat the children with understanding.  
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People should be understanding and kind to all people, including servants and slaves.


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