
Mesolithic age

By this time early human had discovered fire and tools had become smaller sharper and pointed.
Microlith  was a special stone tool used as a blade.
During  the Mesolithic age the climate became warmer and drier.

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The Mesolithic or Middle Stone Age. The last Ice Age glaciers of Central Europe retreated between 15,000 and 12,000 BC. The climate became increasingly warm. At the same time the forests spread to higher altitudes in the mountains.

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Palaeolithic: Much of this diet would have consisted of meat (including marrow and animal organs like the liver, kidneys and brains that are extremely rich sources of nutrition), fish and shellfish. Leafy vegetables, fruit, nuts and insects making up the remaining part of their diet.

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In short, neanderthals covered most of their body in cold environments, less so during the warm. They often wore gloves and shoes, but only wore hats during the coldest times. However, these clothes were likely just simple furs or skins, tied or just draped over their body.

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Image result for mesolithic food


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