
Real Account

➤Rules Of Real Account
When Transaction Made In Cash Purchase Or Cash Sales Are Recorded In Real Account
       ➥Debit  Account :What’s Come In
              Image result for sturdy.com
        ➥Credit Account : What’s Goes Out
                Image result for cash
1). Purchase Mobile Account Of Rs. 6000/- For Cash
@:Mobile Account Debit Of Rs. 6000/-
               To: Cash Account Credit Of Rs. 6000/-

2). Purchase Goods Account Of Rs. 1000/- For Cash
@:Goods Account Debit Of Rs. 1000/-
               To : Cash Account Credit Of Rs. 1000/-

3). Sale Machinery Of Rs. 5000/- For Cash
@:Cash Account Debit Of Rs. 5000/-
                 To : Sale Machinery Account Of Rs. 5000/-

4). Sale Table Of Rs. 1000/- For Cash
@Cash Account Debit Of Rs.1000/-
                 To : To Sale Table Account Credit Of Rs. 1000/-

5). Purchase Books Of Rs. 5000/- For Cash
@Books Account Debit Of Rs. 5000/-
                  To : Cash Account Credit Of Rs. 5000/-

6). Sale Fan Of Rs. 1600/- For Cash
@Cash Account Debit Of Rs 1600/-
                  To : Sale Fan Account Of Rs. 1600/-

7). Sale Monitor Of Rs. 7000/- For Cash
@:Cash Account Debit Of Rs. 7000/-
                  To : Sale Monitor Account Credit Of Rs. 7000/-

8). Purchase Flat Of Rs. 2000000/- For Cash
@Flat Account Debit Of Rs.2000000/-
                     To : Cash Account Credit Of Rs. 2000000/-

9).Purchase  Cup Of Rs. 500/- For Cash
@: Cup Account Debit Of Rs. 500/-
                      To : Cash Account Credit Of Rs. 500/-

10). Sale Car Of Rs. 500000/- For Cash
@:Cash Account Debit Of Rs. 500000/-
                      To : Sale Car Account Of Rs. 500000/-

11). Purchase Toy Of Rs. 1000/- For Cash
@:Toy Account Debit Of Rs. 1000/-
                      To : Cash Account Credit Of Rs. 1000/-

12). Sale Dining Table Of Rs. 1500/- For Cash
@:Cash Account Debit Of Rs. 1500/-
                  To :Sale Dining Table Account Credit Of Rs 1500/-


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