
Coal details

1) Peat coal is the lower quality of the coal
      it contain 20% carbon.
 2) By the destructive distilation of this coal wax, acetone, acetic-acid, methanol are obtained.
 3) The primary state of transformation of coal from
       wood is called peat coal.

1)Lignite it contain 28 to 30% carbon.
2) Heat energy  27 kj g-1.
3) It is used in railway engin, thermal power station,
      and industries.
4) Coal gas, coal tar, phenol, cresol are obtained.

1) Bituminous coal contains about 78 to 86% carbon.
2) The heat energy of lignite is about 2730 kj g-1.
3) It is used in fuel in the production of steel and      electricity.

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